
Restaurant/Cafeteria Food Cost Accounting Software

Feed your bottom line! Unlock the data behind running a profitable food business.

Foodco is a professional software application designed & developed by Food Service Solutions. Focusing on back office inventory, accounting and production management FOODCO maximizes your profits.


Components & Benefits:

Inventory Control

Build an item database for the items you want to track. Each item is broken down to the way you buy it, how you inventory/issue it, and how you want to compare the cost of it.

Production Management

Tracking and forecasting the sales mix and acceptability enables you to hone in on the cost of these meals on a per person basis and accurately calculate the amount of product that you need to order and prepare. This will give you the control to manage cost per meal, order just in time and reduce left-overs and waste. In addition you will create consistency by having recipes scaled to the proper volumes, increase productivity, and reduce the number of steps to achieve the results you expect! Cost savings of 3 cents to 25 cents per meal is typical and many operations find that FOODCO puts them in control and allows for broader offering of products.

Recipe Costing

Build recipes in a manner that cooks understand and at the same time you will determine the true cost of your recipes. Foodco makes it easy to build recipes using a step-by-step wizard that walks you through the process of setting these up.

Warehouse Operation

In complex multi site operations with a warehouse or commissary FOODCO streamlines forecasting and order entry, consolidates orders, prints pick lists, loads the truck and prints the delivery ticket/invoice.

In addition to routine functions like inventory control and recipe management FOODCO is an all encompassing end to end solution from the time the order is placed by remote sites thru the reconciliation of the delivery tickets when your drivers return from their routes.

Much, Much more...

We find that most needs/requests are already handled inside the program. With many features including user security, preferences, and personalized settings inside the program, we can accomplish exactly what your looking for and a lot more.

Who we help...


• Full Service
• Fine Dining
• Family Diner
• Quick Service
• Food Courts
• Fast Food
• Bars
• Night Clubs
• Taverns


• Schools
• Colleges
• Corrections
• Hospitals
• Assisted Living
• Business & Industry
• Homeless Shelters
• Non Profit Orgs


• Hotels
• Country Clubs
• Resorts
• Catering
• Banquets
• Casinos

Would you like to see a demo or learn more about our Food Cost Accounting Software?

Call 1 (800) 425-1425 or fill out the form below and one of our food service professionals will contact you within the next business day. 

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